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"You Can't Fight Evil With A Macaroni Duck!"

General musings and observations of the world. Commentaries and thoughts on various subjects. Links to interesting sites and programs. Site's name comes from the TV cartoon "The Tick". [Scott aka Alefifer]

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Location: somewhere on the eastern shore, Maryland, United States

Originally from Rhode Island and now living in Maryland. Happily married to my best friend and have two wonderful daughters. I have a sense of humor that sometimes takes over when I should be restraining it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

What would you do if you could change society?

We've all probably thought of different ways to change society for the better. I'm sure there are some laws or beliefs out there that you'd love to see changed. Not giving this a whole lot of in-depth pondering, which something like this undoubtedly needs, I'll touch on a few ideas I have. Feel free to comment with ideas of your own, or continue the trend on your own blog.

This is an issue that's been irritating me for countless years. (Okay, yes I can count them, just would rather not). I feel it's highly unfair that 18 year olds can not drink alcohol. The government says that at 18 you are an adult, you can marry (many states you can do this earlier too), buy a house, a car, pay taxes, vote, become a mayor or other government official, go to war and come back without a leg or a face, ...but you can't drink a beer. Hell you can't even HOLD a beer. That's just not right.

I recall when the federal government decided that it was going to force all the states to make the drinking age 21. It got a LOT of static from the individual states; most did not want to do it. It was not until the federal government basically extorted them by refusing to give any states federal funding for roads that the law swept across the nation. It was widely promoted by law enforcement and insurance companies.

I propose that we get rid of all age restrictions on the possession and consumption of alcohol. (Time for everyone to look aghast!*) One of the biggest problems with alcohol is that it has become a rite of passage into adulthood. Instead of putting it up on a pedestal and making it trophy-like due to the physical changes it bestows upon its users we should treat it like any other food or beverage. Understand it, use it with moderation. Other foods and beverages have "properties" and can be used in moderation. You don't see teenagers sneaking out to eat boxes upon boxes of Fiber One...."oh dude, i shat so much I saw god." (after the chugmotherf-er-like chants of 'spoon! spoon!" died down). Okay...yeah, not quite the same, but you get my point. If everyone grew up being able to drink...it wouldn't be a big damn deal.

* Try to never miss an opportunity to use the word 'aghast', because it's such a fun word to say. Aghast, aghast. see? Just like I never miss an opportunity pointing out to others that they've just said the word "do" after saying the word "do" as in the sentence "If you do do that you will be sorry". Few things are more pleasurable than seeing the face of someone when you tell them "You just said 'doo-doo'!"

The public education system needs to be re-energized. The hell with the government providing vouchers for people to use private schools. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Public schools need to be funded better, and allow the education system to be run by educators and not by politicians and zealots. The testing policies that have also been implemented where kids have to pass to go to the next grade, etc. Very bad. And when teachers are rated according to how the kids do on these tests...even worse. Instead of teaching curriculum, teachers are forced to 'teach the test'. Advocates of these tests will of course come back with, that's the point...the test is comprehensive and specific and blahblahblah. I say bullshit Paying teachers good salaries, having healthy safe and challenging schools that prepare students for college is the answer. just do it instead of dismantling the education system just so you can have a population of idiots where they are easily duped and only the wealthy get a decent education.

The cost of health care and medicine is nuts. Just as with education (and justice) if you can afford to get the best treatment...you're wealthy. Of course in many cases the best treatment for many things, especially cancers, are only found in other countries.

I suggest that everyone, some time in high school, learn more about health and their bodies. Don't know exactly how far this should go...but I'm thinking that everyone should be able to perform minor suturing on themselves and others, and be at least First Responder certified when they graduate from High School. People can fix their bikes, their cars, hey some folks can even program their VCRs, but none of us are trained to fix ourSELVES. That's quite idiotic.

Okay...who out there still thinks we should continue using that black oily dinosaur goo that we suck out of the earth? Our county's recent attempt at grabbing the oil resources in Iraq should be a wake up call. But hey, most of the government is being run by oil execs so switching to alternative fuels or sources isn't likely to happen any time soon.

The proposed 'hydrogen fuel cells' is crap. They're gonna get it from mining coal, so there's no difference.

Answer is exploring all the options and some new ones. Solar, wind, wave, water, farts (not kidding here....bovine gas harvesting), and other stuff. Here's one I'd like to see... don't think anyone's ever explored the feasibility of it...it would take some high tech technology to do, but I think it's not outside the realm of possibilities...

capture a lightning bolt. yup that's my idea.
use some sort of computer controlled extremely high speed switching device to channel the power and divide it up superfast...so that nothing gets fried the current is continually getting halved and halved and sent down wires to wearever it'll get stored for transmission later...store the electricity in batteries. needs some work on the details but I bet it could be done.

Yes I know that there are a great many diseases and disorders out there that need funding but I think that perhaps puritan views of sexuality, even if subconsciously, are causing these issues to take a back seat to other problems. Making love should not come with a possible death sentence.

Flat 2% for everybody, no exemptions, no loophooles, religious groups and charities and businesses too. Should be more than enough. No more tax credits for this that or the other thing, no more nothing....just the two percent. period.

...more brilliance at a later date...this post's taking too long. ;-)


Blogger Sonja Andrews said...

Okay I've only read the part about alcohol and taxes ... but so far I agree with everything you say. Oh ... and STDS & AIDS too ... You're bang on. Except for one thing, I think it should be 3% on the taxes. And until we pay off W's stupidity, it might even have to be 5%. But other than that, you should be President.

12/21/2005 12:35 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

As to the additional tax burden we'll have to pay for, thanks to the current administration.... I think we might find that the seizure of properties and assets of individuals and corporations guilty of war crimes and/or falsifying intelligence, lying to the world in order to wrongly invade a soverign nation andonandonandon might be an appropriate measure.

12/21/2005 3:03 PM  
Blogger Sonja Andrews said...

Okay ... that's it. To whom do I go to nominate you. I believe you're in the market for a new job anyway. This seems to be right up your alley.

12/21/2005 3:55 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Yeah I'm not sure if the 2% would cut it but I'll join the lightfamily in voting for you.

1/20/2006 6:57 PM  

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