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"You Can't Fight Evil With A Macaroni Duck!"

General musings and observations of the world. Commentaries and thoughts on various subjects. Links to interesting sites and programs. Site's name comes from the TV cartoon "The Tick". [Scott aka Alefifer]

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Location: somewhere on the eastern shore, Maryland, United States

Originally from Rhode Island and now living in Maryland. Happily married to my best friend and have two wonderful daughters. I have a sense of humor that sometimes takes over when I should be restraining it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Stellarium Astronomy Software

This is a nice little free planetarium program for you to run on your computer. There are many commercial ones out there. The price on this one is nice. I noticed today that they have a newer version than what I have installed on my pc. I'll have to go download the new version.

Input your location and off you go. You can turn things on and off, like constellations, stars and names, atmospheric glow, the ground, etc. Fun distraction.

[As a note here...After posting this I visited a site that has a commercial astronomy program called Distant Suns. They now have a newer version and are offering a special free version of Distant Suns 6. If you're interested you can visit them here. Another popular program is at StarryNight. Enjoy]

Stellarium Astronomy Software


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