GOP gay stance similar to Nazi propaganda has a good article comparing present day right-wing anti-gay hate-mongering with anti-Jewish propaganda of the Nazis. Here is a very brief exerpt:
"...Jews, only 1 per cent of the world's population, accounted for ... 47 per cent of crooked games of chance - 82 percent of international crime organizations - 98 percent of prostitution."
"Although homosexuals account for less than two percent of the population, they constitute about a third of child molesters."
It's an interesting article. Go read the entire thing here.
Lest I should remind you, the Nazi's cut their teeth on gays, the mentally-ill, and the handi-capped before they moved on to the Jews. The "final solution" was formulated after some trial runs on others.
In today's climate, they have once again started with the fags, but in America's Fascist future Mexican is the new Jew.
Why does history have to repeat itself?
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