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"You Can't Fight Evil With A Macaroni Duck!"

General musings and observations of the world. Commentaries and thoughts on various subjects. Links to interesting sites and programs. Site's name comes from the TV cartoon "The Tick". [Scott aka Alefifer]

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Location: somewhere on the eastern shore, Maryland, United States

Originally from Rhode Island and now living in Maryland. Happily married to my best friend and have two wonderful daughters. I have a sense of humor that sometimes takes over when I should be restraining it.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Around The World With Lee and Sachi

This interesting blog is about the year-long trip around the world that Lee and Sachi are taking. I've been following them on their travels for a while now, they're having a blast, as would be expected. Very fun site, as long as you don't mind keeping your Envy Beast heavily shackled while you read.

Lots of photos so dialuppers can expect slow loads. Nice site though with photos and commentaries.

Gee...take a year off and travel all over the world. Can't do it this year, too busy with things (like making sure I bought enough stinking Ramen noodles! grrrr! Back Beast! Back!)

Visit them. The World Is Not Flat


Blogger Scott said...

Lee is a "consultant" and web designer. Or at least that's how I read it. Here's the link to his business site, which is how I found his traveling blog in the first place. Commoncraft

Yeah they're staying at the coolest places they can. Very cool.

5/22/2006 10:50 PM  
Blogger Annamarie said...

Thanks for this info. Interesting link, indeed! And yes, I must fight the Beast back too.... :)

5/24/2006 2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Scott! Thanks a bunch for the link and the nice words. We are indeed having a great time. :) Sorry we are causing beasts to be fought. Cheers!


5/25/2006 8:29 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

Hi Lee! Well you are a very unexpected but welcomed visitor to my blog! Seems like you're able to still keep on top of a lot of things even when you're having fun in Tokyo... Or whereever you are. It's tuesday so we must be in Thailand.

Going back to Bangkok again? Must have missed something to see. It is an interesting town, great food. Check out gold "baht" chains and maybe some jewels while you're there. Great prices.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting. Now go have fun!

5/29/2006 8:03 AM  

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