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"You Can't Fight Evil With A Macaroni Duck!"

General musings and observations of the world. Commentaries and thoughts on various subjects. Links to interesting sites and programs. Site's name comes from the TV cartoon "The Tick". [Scott aka Alefifer]

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Location: somewhere on the eastern shore, Maryland, United States

Originally from Rhode Island and now living in Maryland. Happily married to my best friend and have two wonderful daughters. I have a sense of humor that sometimes takes over when I should be restraining it.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Black Friday

Ah the traditions of the season are almost upon us. Soon perhaps we shall reunite with relatives that we are starting to forget exactly what they looked like. That cousin that was just potty-trained is now graduating high school; yes perhaps we should invite them over before we keel over dead. And Thanksgiving morning, yes that day when you have to get up super early to prepare a meal that takes 5 hours to cook, so long that by the time it's done you've smelled it for so long you don't want any.

But hey...teaching your squeemish kids how to clean out a turkey can be a fun experience in and of itself. "Yeah, use your fingernails to dig in there and pry out the blood pockets". If that doesn't work then you'll have to teach them about giblets and gravy. I'm surprised my kids aren't vegans already.

Ah but this post isn't about the feast of thanks and gluttony (and naps), it is about the day AFTER Thanksgiving. The day when many folks rise early and go stand in line for hours and hours in the cold in order to be there when the door opens, and then run and fight their way to a bargain. I've done this a couple of times, and I won't be doing it this year. Frankly the waiting in line was more fun than the actual in-store experience.

Anyways... I wanted to give you some links to some sites that are giving some data on the sales.

If you're going to participate in this years Race To The Bargains (or as some might describe it...The Running Of The Turkeys) good luck to you, I hope you get the golden ring you seek. There truly are some deals to be had.

Here are the links.


Have fun.


Blogger Sonja Andrews said...

You're hilarious ...

I've made a life pact with myself. No shopping on Black Friday. Ewwww ...

11/21/2006 11:39 AM  

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