Al and Tipper Fight Hot Air
I find it quite admirable that he is undertaking this. Some things bother me though. The rest of the world pretty much accepts the scientific data regarding degradation of the ozone layer, and pollutants in the air contributing to a rise in global has been the Bush administration that has ignored or sculputured scientific data to not go along with international efforts to stop it. So if Gore's plan is to convince the American people that it's real, this is for what ultimate goal? To sway the leaders of the U.S. government to act a certain way? Our leaders are elected in theory because they know what they are doing and can get others that know what they're doing to run things. That obviously isn't happening with regards to issues like global warming most probably because the interests of big business (for example loosening of polution requirements, continued reliance on fossil fuels, increases in logging/deforestation, etc)come first these days.
Why exactly does Gore think that educating the American people about global warming will make a difference? We are now educated about there not being any WMD in Iraq. We are now educated about no connection between Al Qaida and Iraq. We are now educated about government promotion of torture. There are lots of other things the American people are being educated about... matters like intelligence operations directed against the public citizenry, about suspicious election results, about inflated gas prices, about how we cannot even board an airplane with fingernail clippers because we might take over the plane with them because the government doesn't trust us not to be a terrorist...but then the government's own lack of security loses the private data of 26.5 million vets because some idiot took it home! I can go on and on and on. My point? My point is simply that it hasn't mattered at all in Washington what the people of the U.S. realize, they are going to do whatever is on their agenda. period.
So what's your goal Gore?
Ah! You may just respond with the little gem of the American people being able to make their voice heard come election day.
Okay. Got it. This is simply a political strategy. Gore for President, right?
I don't think so. I too well remember you and your wife's last little war, the one against Rock and Roll music. (see PMRC) Sorry charlie. I don't buy it. We need change in Washington, but we need BIG change in Washington and I don't feel that change can be you.
If I'm wrong and you truly are motivated by sincere altruistic desires to improve the environment then my apologies and thumbs up to you. We shall see.
Very well written, Scott, with good examples. Indeed, the Gores' motives are rather questionable, given past performances and track record.
There's a problem with using global warming as a platform:: most everyone has already made up their mind!
I agree, this was probably just political posturing.
I wonder the Gores have read about global dimming yet.
Al Gore has been talking about this issue for over twenty years. This is not something he's doing for the first time now; he's long been well known as one of the most consistent and knowledgeable spokespeople for the environment. It makes no sense to act as if he's suddenly speaking out for personal gain; he's been doing this all along.
Well if he has been talking about this issue for over twenty years I am glad that I've finally heard about it. And good for him.
I cannot remember him being outspoken or proactive with regards to Global Warming when he was the Vice President of the U.S., but I could indeed have forgotten about it. Did he do anything about Global Warming during the Clinton administration? You might know. I mean that was a long time ago and the current Bush has been in office for about 6 years now, and I don't recall him really being the spokesman for anything specific during that time up until now, but I may not have noticed or it may have been under-reported.
Perhaps he can actually help do something about Global Warming. That would be great.
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