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"You Can't Fight Evil With A Macaroni Duck!"

General musings and observations of the world. Commentaries and thoughts on various subjects. Links to interesting sites and programs. Site's name comes from the TV cartoon "The Tick". [Scott aka Alefifer]

My Photo
Location: somewhere on the eastern shore, Maryland, United States

Originally from Rhode Island and now living in Maryland. Happily married to my best friend and have two wonderful daughters. I have a sense of humor that sometimes takes over when I should be restraining it.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Intergalactic Geeks Blogrolling Weird Tick Guy's Website

Okay, it's official. I'm a blog geek. So much of a blog geek that I'm attempting to get extraterrestrials to add me to their blogroll. :-)

[Perhaps I will turn this Suitable For Framing post into an Awards and Certificates post down the road. Of course I would need to actually receive some to do this. Making them up myself won't count.]

A Man With Three Buttocks

"Now for something completely different: A Man With Three Buttocks!"... (Does this mean someone could be a 'Buttandahalfhead'?)

"Nukulear bombs is bad. Nobody should use them.
Iran says they want'em fer power plants fer 'lectricity but we know better.
They want to make bombs.
Hey United Nations! Make 'em stop! Hey IAEA! Look what they're up to! Sanctions!
I say...I'm gone make a decision. (It's what I do...being the Decider and all. heh heh!)
I might just go over there and nuke them so they don't make a nuke 'cause nobody should use a nuke 'cause they're bad.


Does anyone else out there feel like we're living in a Monty Python show??


Sanctions being requested of the United Nations against Iran for their uranium enrichment program sounds moronic for them to consider when there exists more prolific examples of international hostility. Experts state that Iran would not be able to make a nuke for years. I think that countries should not be barred from obtaining nuclear power technology for energy production, especially in these times. If there really was a true international organization of the nations of Earth then I think they would have already taken issue with a nation that has invaded two other sovereign nations under its current leadership and has recently threatened attacking a third; even hinting at using nuclear weapons. I think they would have taken issue with this nation that is going against the accepted policy of the humane and civilized treatment of prisoners and has been discovered using torture on a large scale.

School is out and a spectacle in back of the school begins. The biggest school bully has a kid on the ground. The kid is being held down by a couple of the bully's friends as the bully kicks him in the face and shouts threats and abusive taunts. Around the perimeter of the fight are the shocked eyes of other students...students curious to see the gore, students afraid of shouting "Stop!", students afraid that they'll be pulled to the ground next. Too bad the students standing by watching in horror can't act together to put an end to the beating and the atmosphere of terror in their school and maybe get the bully and his gang sent to juvenile detention.

Hideous Kinky: Terror Makes Me Tingle

"Imagine growing up in a family where every day, father raped daughter, mother tortured son, brother abused brother, sister stole from sister, and the whole family murdered neighbors, friends and passing strangers. Imagine the underlying assumptions about life that you would adopt without question in such an atmosphere, how normal the most hideous depravity would seem. If some outsider chanced to ask you about your family's latest activities, you would spew out perversions as calmly and unthinkingly as a man giving directions to the post office."

Chris Floyd has written a good article over on his website Empire Burlesque about the policy of utilizing terrorism and secret armies in our war on terror. Visit his site.

How do you feel about being a terrorist? You as a citizen of the United States, that is. The U.S. military is the military of the people of the United States, they are not specifically the military of only Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld. The policies of the U.S. reflect on you as an American. Talk about it. Shout about it. Get mad about it. Don't get distracted.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Silent Hill review: B-

I saw Silent Hill today. I give it a B-. I almost would give it a C due to some lame dialoges early on but the visual and atmosphere of the movie tilted my score up to the B level.

Basically...if you've played the video games and liked them, then go see it you'll like it.

If you're in the mood for a scary flick and aren't really picky, go see it.

If you're picky about your films or unsure ...wait for it to come out on video.

I wasn't expecting greatness with this film but I was very hopeful. Video games have not got a good track record being moved over into movies, specifically horror-genre video games. This horror video game indeed seems to have been the best migration yet though. The movie quickly moves into scary places with surreal atmospheres. Rose, the main character, is escaping from one close call after another as she attempts to locate her missing daughter in the town of Silent Hill. She doesn't seem to do stupid stuff or stumble and fall in the film or the usual things you'd expect. Considering the circumstances that she finds herself in, she does remarkably well.

Acting: In the begining of the film I felt that the acting of the police officers was not all that good...but later it either improved or I no longer noticed it. The actor who played the female head of the church was great. The little girl who played Sharon/Alessa shined. The choice of actors who portrayed several of the characters actually looked like some familiar game characters.

Atmosphere: Fading in and out of reality into some other plane. Nightmarish world recreated quite well.

Monsters: Creepy, horrific. Most come right out of the games. The nurses only in one scene but done well. Pyramid Head monster was done nicely. Man that sword! Tell HIM that size doesn't matter! Only thing I was a bit disappointed in not seeing in the movie was any dogs. Silent Hill doesn't quite seem like Silent Hill without trying to pull my leg out of the mouth of a gnawing mutant dog. But I can forgive them excluding the dogs actually.

Ending stuff: Ain't gonna tell you squat. But I will say that you may find yourself cheering internally at some quite horrific deeds near the end.

I think they left themselves an adequate opportunity to pursue a sequel in the future if indeed this film does good in the box office. I don't think it will happen, but they could if they wanted to.

I liked it. Maybe you will too.

Go to my previous post to learn more about Silent Hill.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Cute Break

Sometimes we all need to take a bit of a break from all of the news of lies, war, inequality, dishonesty and hatred. Sometimes we need to simply take a break and find a place that will make us smile for a while.

If you've never visited Cute Overload you should give it a try.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Maozilla" Soon To Adorn Tibetan Public Square

The hugest statue of Mao in China will soon be erected in a newly constructed public square near the capitol Lhasa in Tibet. This statue will be about 40 feet (12 meters)tall and weighs over 30 tons.

A very big statement indeed. We are here. We are in control. This area is Chinese. And of course...Mao loves ya. Tibetans remembering the past will not like this; but I think that's the point.

Read more about this at the Angry Chinese Blogger

Flying Spaghetti Monster

Paul the Spud has posted a recent article about people getting upset about The Flying Spaghetti Monster in (where else???) Kansas. It's a good article, go check it out.

I've been a fan of the Church of the FSM for quite a while, lots of fun to visit. Very creative, very funny, and hard not to want to be a member of its "congregation". If you haven't already heard about FSM, then you're really missing out. It came about with the arrival of those that advocate the teaching of Intelligent Design in schools. There is much more information available from the Church of the FSM. Great stuff. A site to bookmark.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Germany to Allow Opening of Huge Holocaust Archive

It has been recently announced that Germany has agreed to open up the access to 30 million records from World War II. Historians worldwide are anxious for the final word on this which will be on May 17th. Read more of this at Deutsche Welle here: Holocaust Archive

The Llama Song

Good morning everyone.

This morning I was doing a bit of quick surfing around the web and stumbled upon a cute picture of a llama. It was very cute. I won't share it with you because this post isn't about cute llamas despite the fact that it's the only thing I've been talking about. This post is about the song that zoomed into my head after seeing the picture. And if I have to suffer you ALL have to suffer! hahaha

Actually viewing this is a life-changing experience and can be compared to the spiritual cleansing that occurs when you take a lung full of mountain air on a spring day or bathe naked under a tropical waterfall. It's just that special.

So go ahead and click on this. I bet you'll bookmark it. ;-)

The Llama Song

Lock Him Away To Stop The Next War

Phillip Adams states what he feels is a logical solution to our problems here in the United States with regards to Iraq. Identify the insane leaders and provide them with safe and secure medical treatment; ie put them in the loony bin.

"WE cannot wait any longer for the impeachment of George W. Bush. Far more efficient to have Bush certified. There is no need for further debate on his mental state. The US President is bonkers."

Read the entire editorial at The Australian

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Silent Hill - More information on the film.

Apparently the screenwriter for the upcoming Silent Hill film got some inspiration for the setting of the film from a real life town. Well actually, "real life town" isn't the best choice of words.

It seems the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania had an underground coal fire that started back in 1961 or so. Funny thing about underground coal fires...they burn a looong time.

Anyways...you can check out the link below to find out more about it and see some photos of Centralia. The fires are still going, from what I can tell. Creepy.

If you lived here you'd be home by now!

Although Pyramid Head might live next door.

and yes I am indeed going through the rest of this week in a countdown till the movie opens...with my mind chanting the fabled horror movie mantra of "ohpleasedontsuckohpleasedontsuck!"
(the only times I'd ever chant this! lol)

Yummy Yummy Yummy - I've Got Love In My Tummy

Tom Cruise has decided on what he'll have to eat after his child is born. Yup. You guessed it. Or maybe you didn't!

"“I'm gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I'm gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there,” he said."

How far will this guy go to dispell all those gay rumors? lol
Maybe try snacking on some acting lessons instead.

But if you just *have* to eat a placenta, Katie's is probably a good choice. Add a few cloves of garlic, some lemon grass and some good hotsauce. Who knows.

>insert toothbrushing here<

Look here for more on this.

Funniest Blonde Joke

Okay I know that jokes that are based on stereotypes aren't the most politically correct ones, but this blonde joke is really worth checking out. Blonde Joke


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Looking Better

Thanks to The Dark Wraith for pointing out to me that my site here was not appearing correctly on Internet Explorer! Since I usually only use either Firefox or Opera I hadn't noticed the problems. I corrected the code problems and things seem fine now. I'll try to make a habit of checking the site in IE in the future when I make changes.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Concerned eyes watch Fairford Air Base

An apparent increase in activity at the RAF Fairford air base in the UK is hinting at a possible build-up in preparation for a possible strike into Iran. B-2 and B-1b have recently been noted and locals are watching to see if B-52s start showing up and if the base increases its local security measures.

The base last saw action in 2003 when b-52 bombers flew out of it to bomb Iraq.

Read more on this at Global Echo and Open Democracy

Stolen computers in Afghanistan yielding US secrets on blackmarket

Secrets are being discovered in the marketplaces in Afghanistan. If the US can't safeguard it's computers and intelligence in Afghanistan perhaps they should think of doing something novel...like encrypting their files! Frankly they should be doing both. Ridiculous.

Check it out here.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Rumor Of The Moment: Attack Imminent - doubtful origin

A rumor is spreading across the web that an attack on Iran is imminent and that this information has been 'leaked' by somebody that works for the State Department somewhere in Europe. This is probably just junk. But it might be interesting to keep ones eyes open to see if this is picked up by any of the news services or larger blogs.

Of course all of the rumors and "leaks" may indeed be part of psy-ops plan to worry Iran into compliance with any sanctions that the United Nations may come up with in regards to their nuclear program. If that is the case, I don't think it will be successful. [Plus that would make me part of their evil plan, and that would make me feel used and cheap. lol] If, on the other hand, the talk of stopping a possible imminent attack or invasion actually does stem from some valid point of truth (ie, isn't US disinformation/psy-ops but really does come from a war plan) then perhaps it can be stopped.

Quite frankly I think that anyone that works for the State Department overseas that is in a position to come in contact with information like this would send their message to major news centers, post their message to big blogs and get the word out with more credibility than whoever started this message. Like I said, I think it's junk...but I'm curious to see if anybody's going to start reporting it as the truth in big bold letters on blogs and news sites. Let's see.

Here's a couple of places I've found it:

Gold is Money forum
AboveTopSecret post

Rocky Horror Picture Show humor

I was searching for something funny and entertaining to post up here on the blog and ran across this I had bookmarked in my browser. Don't know how many of you have already ran across it but I figured I'd post it anyways. It is quite silly.

It's probably only entertaining if you're familiar with RHPS.

Go ahead and visit http://www.angryalien.com/0705/rhpsbuns.asp

"I see you shiver with antici...."

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I double-dog dare ya!

You can't pre-empt me 'cause I might just pre-empt you first, 'cause that's just how sneaky I am so you'd better just watch out!

"The whole army is replete with the spirit of devotedly defending the leader and all the servicepersons are reliably defending the country and socialism in the spirit of readily becoming human bombs, the spirit of suicide bombing."

Okay. North Korea's barking again. A threat to be concerned of or just posturing - normal scary growl?

(But then again...if you're riding a bus in a dangerous part of town in a crowded city you'll notice that nobody messes with the apparently insane homeless guy that's rocking in his seat wide-eyed and arguing with invisible friends. A dangerous visage is sometimes a good protection device)

North Korean Defense Chief Warns Of Pre-Emptive Attack On US

Monday, April 10, 2006


handbag, jacket, skirt...hmmm

what else would you like to have that's made out of synthetic skin. yes it's odd, what do you expect?

Something to wear to the Silent Hill movie. haha. go check it out.


The Washington Post Pole - Spin becomes Pole Dance

"Presidents are authorized to declassify sensitive material, and the public benefits when they do. But the administration handled the release clumsily, exposing Mr. Bush to the hyperbolic charges of misconduct and hypocrisy that Democrats are leveling."

Has the Washington Post suddenly been also purchased by the Moonies and nobody mentioned it to me? Okay, granted they've pretty much always been slanting their editorials towards the White House in recent years but how they can actually come out and buy into the "declassification" spin on the leak of this classified material is beyond my comprehension. It just solidifies in the minds of the public just how dead journalism is in this country.

I don't believe the spin. The American people no longer believe the explanations. The credibility of the paper isn't likely to improve any with editorials like this.

Thanks to Justin at The Evil Petting Zoo for bringing this to my attention. Nice blog there

Read the article here.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

LinuxElectrons - AT&T Forwards ALL Internet Traffic Into NSA Says EFF

"The evidence that we are filing supports our claim that AT&T is diverting Internet traffic into the hands of the NSA wholesale, in violation of federal wiretapping laws and the Fourth Amendment," said Electronic Frontier Foundation Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston.

LinuxElectrons - AT&T Forwards ALL Internet Traffic Into NSA Says EFF

Personally I find this hard to believe.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Silent Hill

On April 21st the movie Silent Hill opens in theaters nationwide. I'm a fan of the videogames, having played Silent Hill 2,3, and 4. If this movie is as good as the games are it will be a very scary movie indeed. Just hope the acting and plot are good enough so that this movie won't stink. Video games don't normally translate into movies well.

If you want to read more about the movie you can click on the links below to give you some further details:

Rotten Tomatoes

Really Scary

The official Silent Hill website

Horror Channel (updated 4-20-06)

If you go and see it, please comment on it. Thanks.

A special time.

Did you let the special time go by without noticing? A time like this should've been more like a New Years Eve party count-down.

But I caught it.

What am I talking about?

This morning, just a bit ago, the time and date was 01:02:03 04/05/06!

Gotta wait another 100 years for this to happen.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Win a Vacation With President Bush!

This exclusive offer is reserved for Republican friends of Jesus Christ and His anointed, duly appointed ruler of the civilized world, President George W. Bush.

Win a Vacation With President Bush!

First the Iraqis, next the Morlocks!! Time Travel possible??

First the Iraqis, next the Morlocks!!

Ronald Mallett from the University of Connecticut has devised an experiment to observe a time traveling neutron in a circulating light beam. While his team still needs funding for the project, Mallett calculates that the possibility of time travel using this method could be verified within a decade.

Professor Predicts Human Time Travel This Century

Monday, April 03, 2006

Will you go to the prom with me??

Okay... again the subject of ohrwurms, of which I am perpetually plagued. This video I saw on TV a few weeks ago and the song has been going through my head off and on since then. Tonight I found this link to download it, which I am doing at this very moment. So I can watch this young lady sing her song over and over. funny

AmazingVidz.com - Feeding your video entertainment needs

Stop Iran War before it starts. Interested?


Chicken Little

Rented Chicken Little for the kids to watch over the weekend. Very cute and funny and a movie that grown-ups can laugh at too.