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"You Can't Fight Evil With A Macaroni Duck!"

General musings and observations of the world. Commentaries and thoughts on various subjects. Links to interesting sites and programs. Site's name comes from the TV cartoon "The Tick". [Scott aka Alefifer]

My Photo
Location: somewhere on the eastern shore, Maryland, United States

Originally from Rhode Island and now living in Maryland. Happily married to my best friend and have two wonderful daughters. I have a sense of humor that sometimes takes over when I should be restraining it.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hand Over Your Bill Of Rights

Just ran across this a few moments ago. Some of you might really like this one. At Security Edition you can buy little metal cards with the Bill Of Rights printed on them. So when you have to go through metal detectors you have to hand over your Bill Of Rights. Makes a statement.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Haditha Massacre Editorial

The Dark Wraith has posted a very nice editorial on the massacre that apparently took place in Haditha, Iraq. I was planning on including a small exerpt here, a quote from his article, but in doing so I feel I would somewhat diminish it. It needs to be read from the beginning.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Invisibility Cloak

This is an interesting article about the possibility of a real Invisibility Cloak!

"...like a river streaming around a smooth boulder, light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation would strike the cloak and simply flow around it, continuing on as if it never bumped up against an obstacle."

Of course the next logical step after they make this would be to develop an instrument to detect and locate people that are wearing invisibility cloaks.

Okay, tell me this won't be used first and formost as a tool for black ops and assassinations.

And if we earthlings are indeed a mere 18 months away from figuring out how to make one...then what indeed might be the probability that advanced extraterrestrial visitors might be wearing them and walking among us now?

cbs4.com - Early 'Invisibility Cloak' Could Be 18 Months Away

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Which Mutant Would You...

If you're like me, a fan of the X-Men movies, then you're anxiously awaiting friday's release of the new film X-Men: The Last Stand. I'm sure it will be just as good or better than the previous two flicks. Predictable perhaps in some aspects but fun in most areas.

Often times on the internet at different sites you'll see little polls like "If you had superpowers, what would they be?" or "If you were an X-man, what would your mutant powers be?" So this morning I was thinking of the upcoming movie and figured I'd pose a question, with an option of answering either or both of two questions?

Which Mutant Would You "Be"?


Which Mutant Would you "Do"?

your pick. Respond in the comments if you want.

Lots of superpowers out there. As to me if I were to go for a mutant superpower I'd probably go for the ability to move through solid objects and couple that with ability to be invisible. Yeah I know that's probably cheating because it's two traits but I can wish.

As to which mutant I'd "do"/have sex with...hmmmm.. That one's gonna take some thought.

Let's see...

Storm's very pretty but she always seemed a bit frosty to me.

Very cute. Don't think I'm up to the body-condom I'd have to wear for that one.

Sexy but she can read my mind and that might get me in trouble.

Mystique! Yeah okay. I'm good with that. She's a mutant with built in Role Playing superpowers!

"Okay so now be a naughty nurse"

"Alright, now how about morphing into Jennifer Aniston?"

"One of the Olsen twins?"
eeeeeeeeeeuw Mystique that's not funny! Not from Full House, I meant the grown up ones! stop laughing!

"Angelina Jolie"
very nice, that's what I'm talking about...

Of course....can't piss Mystique off and got to make sure she's happy too otherwise she might just morph into the late Chris Farley.

Okay enough of this.
And ladies, I'm curious...will you be more apt to go for the unbreakable Wolverine type or the Laser-light show type with Cyclops..

you're turn. ;-)

Surf's Up Later Today!

Man I really wish I'd bought some kayaks already, because the huge tidal wave that's slated for later today will be very inconvenient.

Macbeth Video Highly Suspect

Okay, so "highly suspect" may not be as accurate as "total bullshit" but it did sound much nicer for a title. Don't you think?

Some visitors to the site have brought to my attention that the Jessie Macbeth mentioned in my post is quite possibly a fraud. Anyone interested in following some links on this can check out http://www.dahrjamailiraq.com/weblog/ or http://www.ivaw.net/ and the site that I found it on as well, ich.

My thanks to those who commented on the article.

Sorry this happened but it won't be the last time, I'm sure.

When I surf the internet looking for something interesting, important, or entertaining to put on my blog here it is often not a fruitful search. A long time looking at news sites and blogs can yield many articles but often few stories. There's no need for me to always point at, quote, and comment on the same thing everyone else is...but of course sometimes I will jump on a specific bandwagon if it's important enough. I'd much rather find something that I have NOT found that many places. Because of this desire I guess I jumped on the Macbeth story too early. I'd do it again today probably.

My blog here is not specifically a political blog, it's a whatever-blog. Even though I'd estimate 80% of my posts are my liberal whining rantings about current events I do try to post other stuff. Many days I'd much rather post a link to oddball articles like "Lovely Mother's Day Gifts You Can Craft From Roadkill", "Chiuaua Lawn Darts", "Games You Can Play At Home With Cheese", "Let's Tie Up Grandpa!", "Trekkie Whores Exposed", "Reptoid Whistle-blower Reveals Compounds In Mindcontrol Contrails", and "Vote For Hilton-Richie 2006: The Simple Party". But unless I get very lucky or write them myself it isn't going to happen.

So anyways... what was I talking about? I think I drifted somewhat. Oh yeah, Macbeth. You turd. okay. I'll try to be careful and find factual articles, but read my blog and all blogs (and news sites) with a very analytical eye. Think.

Again, thanks for the comments.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Al and Tipper Fight Hot Air

Al Gore, along with his wife Tipper, are at war with hot air. Okay, well in actuality they're waging a war against Global Warming. A book, a movie, an environmental action group...all from Gore to help convince the U.S. public how real the problem is.

I find it quite admirable that he is undertaking this. Some things bother me though. The rest of the world pretty much accepts the scientific data regarding degradation of the ozone layer, and pollutants in the air contributing to a rise in global temperatures...it has been the Bush administration that has ignored or sculputured scientific data to not go along with international efforts to stop it. So if Gore's plan is to convince the American people that it's real, this is for what ultimate goal? To sway the leaders of the U.S. government to act a certain way? Our leaders are elected in theory because they know what they are doing and can get others that know what they're doing to run things. That obviously isn't happening with regards to issues like global warming most probably because the interests of big business (for example loosening of polution requirements, continued reliance on fossil fuels, increases in logging/deforestation, etc)come first these days.

Why exactly does Gore think that educating the American people about global warming will make a difference? We are now educated about there not being any WMD in Iraq. We are now educated about no connection between Al Qaida and Iraq. We are now educated about government promotion of torture. There are lots of other things the American people are being educated about... matters like intelligence operations directed against the public citizenry, about suspicious election results, about inflated gas prices, about how we cannot even board an airplane with fingernail clippers because we might take over the plane with them because the government doesn't trust us not to be a terrorist...but then the government's own lack of security loses the private data of 26.5 million vets because some idiot took it home! I can go on and on and on. My point? My point is simply that it hasn't mattered at all in Washington what the people of the U.S. realize, they are going to do whatever is on their agenda. period.

So what's your goal Gore?

Ah! You may just respond with the little gem of the American people being able to make their voice heard come election day.

Okay. Got it. This is simply a political strategy. Gore for President, right?

I don't think so. I too well remember you and your wife's last little war, the one against Rock and Roll music. (see PMRC) Sorry charlie. I don't buy it. We need change in Washington, but we need BIG change in Washington and I don't feel that change can be you.

If I'm wrong and you truly are motivated by sincere altruistic desires to improve the environment then my apologies and thumbs up to you. We shall see.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Around The World With Lee and Sachi

This interesting blog is about the year-long trip around the world that Lee and Sachi are taking. I've been following them on their travels for a while now, they're having a blast, as would be expected. Very fun site, as long as you don't mind keeping your Envy Beast heavily shackled while you read.

Lots of photos so dialuppers can expect slow loads. Nice site though with photos and commentaries.

Gee...take a year off and travel all over the world. Can't do it this year, too busy with things (like making sure I bought enough stinking Ramen noodles! grrrr! Back Beast! Back!)

Visit them. The World Is Not Flat

Whistle Blower Info On Wired

"In 2003 AT&T built "secret rooms" hidden deep in the bowels of its central offices in various cities, housing computer gear for a government spy operation which taps into the company's popular WorldNet service and the entire internet. These installations enable the government to look at every individual message on the internet and analyze exactly what people are doing. Documents showing the hardwire installation in San Francisco suggest that there are similar locations being installed in numerous other cities."

Information on how "secret rooms" were set up to divert and analyze internet traffic. Interesting read.

Spying on U.S. citizens without a warrant is done under the guise of keeping America safe. Personally I would feel more 'safe' with a government that I can trust and one that upholds concepts like privacy and liberty.

H/T: Roxanne and C&L

Moon and Bush

Over at American Politics Journal there's an article touching on a bit of the relationship between Bush and The Moonies. I've read some of this before but it's interesting how easily the relationship is discredited by some.

Visit Annamarie's Blog

Verbena-19 is a great blog! Annamarie is located in Canada and she comments on current events and topics like human rights, social justice, civil liberties, freedom, peace, environmental issues. A great progressive blog with lots of good articles and links.

Jessie Macbeth - Iraq War Veteran Tells It Like It Is

Jessie Macbeth, a former U.S. Army Ranger, speaks on what he witnessed in Iraq. This is a twenty minute video.

"She was begging me, begging me to save her and to save her kids, but, I didn't you know. I wanted to be , ah, I killed them. You know?"

File is available in .wmv or .mov format and this is a link you may want to forward to others.

[ This is bogus! I'm leaving it up here anyways. ]

Friday, May 19, 2006

Hayden and Warrantless Surveillance -- Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)

The Institute for Public Accuracy has a small article with some words from two current authors on the subject of Surveillance and their viewpoint on the current matter of warrantless surveillance.

Read here

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Christian Nationalism - Beginings of a Civil War?

Michelle Goldberg talks about her new book called "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism" In this book she describes the fanatacism of the fundamental christians in the United States and their plans for subverting our government...or perhaps 'overthrow' is a more apt description when you take into consideration the core principles of our nation and how they are planning on changing them.

Here's a brief excerpt from the article that sets the tone of the group she discusses:

"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.
But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice.
It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.
It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.
It is dominion we are after.
World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish."

There are scary times ahead.

Well, no, actually the scary times are already here I think.

Talk To Action | What is Christian nationalism?

Friday, May 12, 2006

Sparkly Foil

I would like to share with you a bit of a conversation I had a while ago.

One of my daughters is in elementary school. Well it seems like a very popular habit of many of the boys in her school is to wrap tin foil on their teeth to pretend that they are wearing "grills" like so many rap and hip hop artists are on MTV. "Sounds like Hillbilly Bling to me", I said. Well apparently that term has stuck and I wouldn't be surprised if the boys are now proudly wearing their Hillbilly Bling everywhere. Don't really think that my phrase will sweep the nation, but if it does you know where it came from. ;-)

My Belief Quiz Results

I've seen others posting results of a religion quiz they've taken through Select Smart on various sites. I have often gone and taken the quiz, sometimes with differing results but have never bothered posting my results. So today I will do just that just in case anybody besides myself is curious.

I've added Select Smart to my links in the sidebar. Some of their quizes are good, some to me are a bit lame. The ones done by the site themselves are usually pretty good. A favorite there is also the ones dealing with politics and choosing the right party. An example is 2008 Presidential Candidates.

anyways...here we go...

My Results:

# 1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
# 2. Unitarian Universalism (96%)
# 3. New Age (93%)
# 4. Mahayana Buddhism (82%)
# 5. Liberal Quakers (80%)
# 6. New Thought (72%)
# 7. Hinduism (71%)
# 8. Sikhism (65%)
# 9. Theravada Buddhism (62%)
# 10. Reform Judaism (60%)
# 11. Jainism (58%)
# 12. Scientology (57%)
# 13. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (54%)
# 14. Secular Humanism (51%)
# 15. Bah�'� Faith (49%)
# 16. Taoism (48%)
# 17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (42%)
# 18. Non-theist (42%)
# 19. Orthodox Judaism (42%)
# 20. Orthodox Quaker (29%)
# 21. Islam (29%)
# 22. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (15%)
# 23. Seventh Day Adventist (11%)
# 24. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (8%)
# 25. Eastern Orthodox (2%)
# 26. Jehovah's Witness (2%)
# 27. Roman Catholic (2%)

Of course how thorough can this quiz be when it doesn't even mention the Flying Spaghetti Monster! (noodlyness) Jeesh! ;-)

Memo to Caucus on NSA program


TO: Members of the House Democratic Caucus

FR: Democratic Members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

RE: USA Today article on NSA Domestic Surveillance Program

All nine of us met this afternoon to discuss the serious issues raised by this morning’s USA Today article describing NSA’s collection of telephone records, as well as another report that the NSA has denied lawyers at the Department of Justice the necessary security clearances to investigate the President’s Domestic Surveillance program.

We take a backseat to nobody in demanding that the federal government have strong tools to detect terrorist plots. You entrust us to oversee our nation’s secret intelligence programs, and we owe it to you – and the American people – to ensure that these programs are not only effective, but also consistent with the Constitution, laws, and values of the United States.

This morning’s article reinforces our long-held view that any and all electronic surveillance of Americans – including all activities of the President’s surveillance program – must comply with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and the Fourth Amendment.

Any collection of personal telephone records requires a warrant approved by an independent magistrate on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Warrantless collection violates the law.

We recognize that increased surveillance may be a necessary consequence of a post-9/11 world. However, this increased surveillance must be targeted, based on individualized suspicion, and limited to protect the privacy and civil liberties of innocent Americans.

Increased surveillance programs also necessitate stronger oversight by all three branches of government.

This Executive Branch cannot be trusted to police itself – particularly if investigators at the Department of Justice are denied the security clearances to review the legality of the NSA Program.

The Judicial Branch – the Article III judges of the FISA Court – cannot conduct effective checks on surveillance of U.S. persons if the Bush Administration conducts an end-run around the judges of the Court.

And the Legislative Branch cannot conduct effective oversight over our government’s intelligence activities if the President refuses to give us all of the facts about his authorization to conduct surveillance on Americans.

Five of us are now authorized to receive briefings on the activities of the President’s Domestic Surveillance Program – and that process is just beginning in earnest. But all nine of us remain unanimous in our view that the entire Intelligence Committee must be briefed. The failure to brief the full Committee constitutes a violation of the National Security Act of 1947 (as amended). None of us misses the irony that leaks about the program are coming from the Executive Branch, not us.

Those of us briefed into the program will continue to demand full information. We will demand answers from the White House, the NSA, DOJ, and relevant private sector officials. All of us will continue to insist that the President comply with the law, brief the entire Committee, and obtain FISA warrants whenever Americans are the target of surveillance.

The Constitution is our most cherished possession. Indeed, it is our most powerful weapon in the fight against those who would do us harm.


Jane Harman

Alcee L. Hastings

Silvestre Reyes

Leonard Boswell

Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr.

Anna G. Eshoo

Rush D. Holt

C.A. (Dutch) Ruppersberger

John F. Tierney

Monday, May 08, 2006

Last American Titanic Survivor Dies

Lillian Asplund of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts died this last Saturday at the age of 99. She was the last American survivor of the Titanic. She was 5 years old when she was on the ship.

There are only 2 remaining survivors now, and they both live in Great Britain.

Learn more about Ms. Asplund at the Worcester Telegram & Gazette

Destroying, In Order To Save

Theres's a good article over at the Big News Network by Daniel Jordan and Neil Wollman. In this article they discuss the absurdity of the policies set forth by the current administration under the guise of keeping us safe and securing our freedoms.

Here is a brief exerpt:

Our government claims the right to infringe on any and all civil liberties; engage in warrant-less wiretaps; peek at our email messages, book purchases and library withdrawals; and enter our homes all without even the minimal oversight from FISA. Spying on citizens is deemed "Homeland Security."

It is chilling to ponder the road ahead for America.

The art of destroying, in order to save

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Community Supported Agriculture

Go save a farm today. Learn why Community Supported Agriculture is important. Support local farms and NOT big-agriculture businesses. Eat local, eat healthy. Think about doing this even if you indeed do grow much of your own food. See if there's a farm near you that you can 'subscribe' to.

Go here for more info

Bush Agenda book

Joshua Holland interviews Antonia Juhasz, author of 'The Bush Agenda', over at Alternet.

In her new book, The Bush Agenda, Antonia Juhasz peels the veils away from Bush's agenda -- imperialism, militarism and corporate globalization -- and exposes who drives it: a group of hawkish ideologues with an unprecedented relationship to major defense and energy companies.

Nice interview. I'll look for this book in the stores and the library. Doesn't really seem to mention anything I didn't already know, but always good to see another book putting many of 'the pieces' together.

[And if by some odd chance you're not already familiar with the Alternet website go visit it and bookmark it now. Don't make me come over there and do it for you. ;-) ]

Fluffernutter Fans Rejoice

A lunchbox treat for many of us growing up was the Fluffernutter. What's a fluffernutter you ask? Well it's a peanut butter sandwich with marshmallow fluff. It rocks. Gooey heaven for your tastebuds.

So what am I on about? Well the Brigham's Ice Cream company up in New England just released Fluffernutter as a new flavor.

I'd drive up and get some, but think it'd melt before I get home.

You can visit the Fluff site too if you want.

HT to Junk Food Blog

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

DaVinci Code? - Prior de Dogbone

The folks over at The Door have done it again with a funny parody of the DaVinci code. This time the analysis isn't over the painting of The Last Supper though. Go check it out here.

The Door, for those of you who may be unfamiliar with it, is a religious satire magazine. I have found it quite difficult to locate on magazine stands, though not impossible. Look for it, it's usually pretty funny.

GOP gay stance similar to Nazi propaganda

Don't be stupid, be a smartie! Come and join the Nazi Republican party! (Thank-you Mel!)

Hatecrime.org has a good article comparing present day right-wing anti-gay hate-mongering with anti-Jewish propaganda of the Nazis. Here is a very brief exerpt:

"...Jews, only 1 per cent of the world's population, accounted for ... 47 per cent of crooked games of chance - 82 percent of international crime organizations - 98 percent of prostitution."

"Although homosexuals account for less than two percent of the population, they constitute about a third of child molesters."

It's an interesting article. Go read the entire thing here.

Bush Challenges Hundreds Of Laws

"President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution."

Go read this great article by Charlie Savage of The Boston Globe. This article discusses how the President has been choosing which laws are conveinent for him and which aren't and how he has been stretching his executive power to the extent where it is excercising power in the legislative and judicial realms.

"Without court involvement, only Congress can check a president who goes too far. But Bush's fellow Republicans control both chambers, and they have shown limited interest in launching the kind of oversight that could damage their party."

A good read.

Hat Tip to Pam. Thanks Pam!